MTHFR is a DNA mutation that is not commonly checked on a regular check up or regular blood work. But thankfully this year (2018) thanks to my new and wonderful Neurologist she suggested I saw a Hematologist. He ran 18 tubes of blood and multiple test I had never had done before. There I was told it seemed like I had a mutation on MTHFR. But requested for all the lab work to be done again to make sure it was correct and come back in a month. The labs take about 3 weeks to be processed. At at that point I found some relief but also fear. I had no idea what I was dealing with I got a packed of information with the title: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase catalyzes Mutation. The title it self freaked me out!! But I did as much research as I could in that month. It seems as if this condition was just discovered in 2006. So there is no cure for it, not a lot of information either but the Doctors are just treating the symptom...
My Shenanigans filled with a little of my life. As I share my journey of being a mother of three wonderful boys and the wife to a hyper-active caring husband. Having a million hobbies that I LOVE. Looking to grow spiritually and being open to the way I grow. As well as my struggle with MRHFR mutation in my day to day life.