Hello everybody!!! Today I want to share with you guys a little bit of my culture with some amazing Mexican food. Now this is traditional Mexican food not something very common to see on the States but it is so good! My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures...lol It is called a Pambazo they date back to the colonial times, when the Spanish invaded Mexico. This pambazo is the "traditional" Mexico City style. Different regions have made changes and adapted the recipe to its location. So here is a quick break down of how it is made and the changes you can do for a vegetarian style pambazo. (Yes I am a tree huger. lol) STEP 1: Make the SALSA. It is red guajillo pepper that is cooked on a pan with NO oil or water. Ones it gets toasted, you add a little bit of water and steam it. You then add the peppers and liquid to a blender. You then add a tomato... Add garlic... Add a little bit of salt and maybe some more...
My Shenanigans filled with a little of my life. As I share my journey of being a mother of three wonderful boys and the wife to a hyper-active caring husband. Having a million hobbies that I LOVE. Looking to grow spiritually and being open to the way I grow. As well as my struggle with MRHFR mutation in my day to day life.