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Men don't understand when you are pregnant

First I want to thank everybody for reading my first post on the blogg.  Mainly my guy friends that responded to it.  The feedback they gave is what inspired me to do this post.

Being pregnant is one of the most beautiful things to happen to a women.  Also one of the worst. I think in reality there are more things we hate about being pregnant than like.  I mean being a mom is amazing and empowering.  You have a human growing inside of you, you feel it move and grow.  You have a love bond sense the day you accept being pregnant.

But the changes and things we have to go through while we are pregnant suck!And some girls have no kind of complication or pain or sickness.  I mean that is a blessing!!! They might of been mother teresa in their past life, because most of the pregnant girls I know, and I have a complain list!

1. Morning sickness:  People think that you throw up in the morning and then you go on with your day.  Some can do that, and that is great. But majority of us get sick, and feel sick, nauseous, and weak ALL DAY!!! The closest thing I can compair it for a guy to understand is like having a stomach virus.  The only difference is that ours is on and off. It can last a week or like my first pregnancy all 9.5 months.

2.  Pain:  We go through different stages of pain.  I mean we have a human growing inside of us.  Our body is going to expand.  Our backs start to hurt , because we are fighting something that is pushing us forward, and we are trying to keep our balance.  And for the guys that don't know it. Our hips are going to literarly open up the day of delivery.  So there has to be some prep work done before the big day.

3. Swollen feet:  I think this is the worst.  Because your feet get so big, your shoes don't fit. It hurts to walk, I mean you feel like each step your foot is about to explode any minute.  And on top of that, it gets worst the closer you get to your due date.  I remember my first pregnancy, my husband or family would try to take me out.  But it was so painful I just couldnt do it. And everybody thought I was being so hormonal, but really it was becuase my feet were the size of freaking tortas (mexican subs)

4.  Emotional:  Yes we are a bit emotional at times, but most of the time we are expecting things from you!  If you ever promised your girl friend or wife you would do a certain thing when they were pregnant or that things would go a sertain way.  We are waiting for that! IF you promised her the heavens when she would get pregnant and now you are not even trying.  Don't ask why she is upset, she is not emotional! She is pissed that you did not keep your word.  We also expect you guys to do the emotional bonding with the baby just like we are doing.  Get exited when the baby moves, talk to the belly, talk about when the baby is here.  And I know that can be hard because some dads do not really get that they are going to be dads until they see the baby.  Then it hits them, they are a dad!

5. Learning about being a parent:  If your wife/gf wants to go to classes or read a book, or anything in that sort.  Do it with her, even if you don't want to.  Show your support, don't make her feel lonely in the process.

6. Complications: A pregnancy can get hard and complicated any moment.  With out warnings, make sure you are there for her.  And make sure you know what is going on with her.  Because you may need to change a few things or plans around.

7. Sex: Not all pregnancies are the same, and not everybody is okay with having sex while they are pregnant.  I mean we either get more sensative, or less.  Our vaginas get swollen the closer we are to our due date.  So there is less space for you to go in there.  On top of all the other pains I listed above, and I am pretty sure I missed some. So if she says no, its not that she doesn't want you. She still loves you, we just don't want you at that moment.

I know I missed a lot of other complains, so ladies make sure you comment on what I missed. ANd guys I hope this helped you understand us a bit more.


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